Infrastructure is where your system meets real users. This includes staging, pre-prod and production environments.

Any infrastructure will define things like:

  • The capacity of your services
  • The security mechanisms to avoid risks
  • The scaling policies to support traffic

Providers have products with tons of tiers, specs making infra ops a challenge while trying to optimize the previously defined interests.

Cased Intelligence continuously monitors your infra specification and produces suggestions and warnings for you to improve the state of your infrastructure.

Cased supports only infrastructure defined using Terraform. More integrations coming soon.


In your project, go to the Infrastructure item.

Configure the Terraform repository location

Repo can be a folder inside the same project repo or a different repo

Once its configured, you can trigger analysis with the Analyze button.


The infra analysis runs each time a PR is merged to the main branch of the configured repo.

Manual trigger will be available soon.

After the analysis is done, you will see a list of actionables on your project’s overview page.

Action items

Actionables will have categories and priorities.