Cased CLI provides several commands for managing and viewing your resources, including projects, targets, branches, and deployments. This guide covers the key commands you’ll use to interact with these resources.


The projects command helps you manage and switch between different Cased projects.

cased projects [--details/-d]


Running this command will:

  • Display a list of all available projects
  • Show which project is currently selected
  • Allow you to switch between projects
  • Store the selected project’s information for future commands


  • --details or -d: Show detailed information about each project (default: true)

Example Output


The targets command allows you to view deployment environments for your project.

cased targets

Example Output


The branches command provides visibility into your active branches and their status.

cased branches [--limit <number>] [--project <project-id>]


View a comprehensive table showing:

  • Branch names
  • Authors
  • Associated PR information
  • Deployment eligibility
  • Check statuses


  • --limit: Specify the number of branches to display
  • --project: Filter branches by specific project

Example Output


The deployments command helps you track and monitor your deployment history.

cased deployments [--limit <number>] [--project <project-id>] [--target <target-name>]


View deployment information including:

  • Deployment timestamps (begin/end times)
  • Deployer information
  • Current status
  • Associated branch
  • Target environment


  • --limit: Specify the number of deployments to display
  • --project: Filter deployments by specific project
  • --target: Filter deployments by target environment

Example Output

Using Resources Together

These commands work together to provide a complete view of your deployment pipeline:

  1. Use projects to select your working project
  2. Check available targets for deployment
  3. Review branches to see what’s ready for deployment
  4. Monitor deployments to track the status of your releases

Each command provides specific information while working together as part of a cohesive deployment workflow.