Connect Cased to Sentry to monitor errors and trigger automatic rollbacks
Create integration
- Create an integration in Sentry’s Developer settings
- Go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> Custom Integrations and click on Create New Integration.
The project is “public” so it can connect to Cased—but you won’t publish it, so it’s not visible or available to anyone outside your organization.
Use the following details:
- Name:
- Webhook URL:
- Redirect URL:
Set the following permissions:
- Issue & Event: Read
- Organization: Read
- Project: Read
- For Webhooks, only Issue needs to be checked.
Complete the setup
- Save the integration
- Set your app name, client id and client secret on the Sentry integration page.
- Visit<your-name>-cased/external-install/
- Click Accept & Login
- You will be redirected to Cased site to login.
- After logging in, Cased sentry integration will be installed and begin working