Cased’s deployment approval system helps teams maintain control and visibility over their deployment process. By setting up approval rules, you can ensure that deployments to specific environments or containing sensitive changes are properly reviewed before being executed.

Setting Up Approval Rules

Before you can use deployment approvals, you’ll need to configure approval rules in your settings. These rules determine which deployments require approval and who can approve them.

Creating a New Requirement

In your project page, navigate to Settings > Require Approval to configure your approval rules.

  1. Click the “Add requirement” button in the Require Approval section
  2. Configure your rule with the following settings:
    • Target: Select which deployment targets require approval
    • Path Rules [Optional]: Define which file or directory changes should trigger the approval requirement
    • Approvers: Select the team members who can approve deployments
  3. Save your requirement

How It Works

When a deployment is initiated, Cased automatically checks it against your approval rules:

Approval Workflow

For Deployers

When you initiate a deployment that matches approval rules:

  1. The deployment enters a “Pending Approval” state
  2. Approvers are automatically notified
  3. You’ll see the approval status in your deployment dashboard
  4. If rejected, you can retrigger the deployment after making necessary changes

For Approvers

As an approver, you’ll receive notifications through two channels:

Slack Notifications

  • Deployment details
  • Changed files
  • Approve/Reject buttons

Web Dashboard (coming soon)

Approval Actions

Approvers can take the following actions:

  1. Approve: The deployment will proceed automatically
  2. Reject: The deployment will be discarded
    • Optionally provide a reason for rejection
    • Deployers can view the rejection reason and retrigger after making changes

In either case, you will receive a confirmation in slack.

Best Practices

  • Configure rules based on environment sensitivity
  • Set up multiple approvers to prevent deployment bottlenecks
  • Use path-based rules to focus approvals on sensitive changes
  • Document approval requirements for your team