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Infrastructure Drift Detection

Keep your cloud infrastructure in sync with your Terraform code by automatically detecting configuration drift

How It Works

Comet’s drift detection runs automatically at two key moments:

  • When you first connect your infrastructure
  • On every Terraform pull request

What Gets Detected

The drift detection system compares your actual AWS resources against your Terraform definitions to identify:

  • Unmanaged resources (existing in AWS but not in Terraform)
  • Resource configuration differences
  • Missing or outdated Terraform definitions



  1. Connect your AWS account
  2. Link your Terraform repository from a Cased project infrastructure page
  3. Configure state file location

Understanding Results

Cased will put together an inventory of important parts of your infrastructure. As part of this inventory, Cased will show:

  • Resources managed by Terraform
  • Resources found in AWS but not in Terraform
  • Creation and modification timestamps
  • Resource metadata and configuration